Monday, June 29, 2009


Have you ever thought of expressing your feelings to someone, say a close friend? I ask myself many a times. The answer is negative. Its not the question of guts, its just that i haven't found anyone so close to who I can open up to. Recently I did find one, a beautiful girl. Although I have spoke to her about everything under the sun, I haven't really told her how I feel about her. After all it wouldn't be a lie to say everyone has a secret admirer in each ones life. Does that flatter you?...... I'm flattered.

I just realised it a few weeks back when I was in a bus back in Goa. I met this gentleman, who was a keen observer of human behaviour. You could make out from his talk. This is what he told me "What ever may be the colour of your skin, however bad your breath smells, however foul your language may be, there is at least one person who swoons every time in your proximity. Not necessarily out of emotional feeling, it may just be that, that person likes you more than you would want to believe. There is at least 1 secret admirer in every persons life."

Talk about lifting my mood, he surely did, and also set me thinking (about this "one person" point he made.) A lot many hours of thinking I had to admit....... he was right. There were no two ways about the one thing he claimed. Take my case for instance, I admire this girl, (so far only this much I can do) to me, her walk will frustrate all the cat walking models on TV, her face to me is the most beautiful face in the world. I like that person.

I often ask myself, why do I look this way? The answer is missing. What am I trying to figure out in that face? I really don't know. What I do know is, I like talking to her, I love being with her. Except for her, I'm not even exactly sure how many siblings they are. Anyway, family history has never been my forte. For that matter History was my worst nightmare after Math in school. Till today i haven't quite figured out out how I passed my 10th with it. Well, anyways, lets not talk about that anymore. So, why do I like this person? I tried to find in my travelling companions philosophy.

I got more philosophy, "Whoever said you admire a perfect person? Have you seen those couples trampling the sands on the beach? How odd they appear? Makes you wonder how could she fall for that one? What is there in him? After all Heaven has never been described as the land of castles and birds and gardens and good food. Its a place of personal experience. It lies right there in the heart. Don't try to find answers were there are no questions. You like the person that's a fact and the fact can hardly be questioned."

He reached his destination wished me a good life, a pleasant stay and left with a goodbye note, and I sat there thinking what all he meant. But one thing his talk made a deep dent in my mind.

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