Friday, June 21, 2013


Finally got the time to watch Man of Steel a few days back. This was probably one of the most anticipated movies of 2013. A Superhero loved by kids and adults alike. I mean who hasn't tied a cape to their neck and wore an underwear on top of their pants when they were kid. If you didn't, then either your a girl or something is wrong with you. I know I did so I'm safe.

The previous Superman movies with Christopher Reeves have been a treat to watch and it was always gonna be tough to match them. But then this was made by Zack Snyder, who previously made Watchmen, Sucker Punch which were pretty well made. Chirstopher Nolan has written the story, so you know it will be rivetting. So the story starts off well with the present and flashes of the past. The  picturisation is good, the story moves forward at a decent pace and the action is good. Then the second half starts, from here on the story moves at a blinding pace, the action sequences are blurry and a bit difficult to follow because theres so much happening on screen. It was sometimes difficult to keep track of who beating up whom. While your trying to figure that out looking on the left of the screen, 10 building have collapsed on the right.You turn to see the last bits falling, on the other side you miss the fight again. There is so much destruction of property and possibly life too, that I'm sure those who survived wished they were dead.

There is a fine line between having enough action and overdoing it. This went towards overdoing it. One glaring flaw that stuck right in your face was when they tried turning earth into Krypton, all the cars, building and assorted debries experienced severe case of weightlessness and collapse due to increase and decrease of gravity. However, it did not affect the people in anyway. They just went on doing everything normally, which in this situation was running and panicking.

The characters in the movie, Michael Shannon as Gen Zod is a pleasure to watch. Henry Cavill as Spiderman looks good and after Reeves can thankfully play the role of Superman. However, Gen Zod may have lost the fight but Superman got handed his own ass by Gen Zod in the acting department. Rest of the characters lacked substance and were forgettable. Kevin Costner and Russell Crowe were as good as non existent, a waste of good talent. Amy Adams as Lois Lane doesnt work on so many levels. Their relationship seemed forced and too abrupt.

At 2.5hrs its a bit of a stretch, but most of the time went in figuring out what was happening in the second half, specifically who was getting his/her ass kicked. The only saving grace was Gen Zod. All that said, its a movie worth watching because it has a little promise for future installment. Plus it as Nolan-esque touch to it. Heres hoping the next one will be better.
Rating: 2.5/5

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