Friday, June 21, 2013


Being a guy, I always hated the series Sex and The City from the bottom of my heart, while my girlfriend (now ex) was obsessed by it. Later the producers turned it into a movie and I knew my days of sanity were numbered. Fortunately or unfortunately both of us parted ways, coincidentally just a few days before the first movie was released. Looking back now, it did save me the torture of accompanying her to watch it, which I would HAVE to.

For those curious ones, the series and the movie had no bearing on the outcome of our relationship.
Last week, I visited my friends place and was going through his movie collection and found a DVD of this movie-which-shall-not-be-named-again. It came as a surprise because he is a guy, but then each to his own I guess. I literally had nothing else to do and also bored out of my wits, I looked at the DVD and thought, why not.

Like preparing ones self for a sacred ritual, I went to his bar cabinet and poured myself a Scotch, lit a cigarette, fired up the DVD in the player and sat on the couch. The movie started and Sarah or whateverhernameis, started her back story of she and her friends and what shit they do. I looked at my glass of Scotch and thought to myself "thats not going to get me through". So I went back to the bar and poured some more Scotch till the glass was full, drank some from the bottle too for good measure and went back to the couch.

After what seemed like eternity, I couldnt stand it anymore. I had to switch it off. I cannot stress on 'couldnt stand it anymore' enough. I realised I had watched it for a whole 5 mins. I wondered how can a 150 year old woman sex life can be of entertainment value to anyone. I sat there for sometime sipping my drink and cursing myself for watching. I felt unclean and violated. So to wash it off my mind, I decided to play another movie from his collection.

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